Transitions Career Institute School of Nursing in Flushing, Queens, New York welcomed their first class of aspiring nurses in September 2014. As the school continues to flourish and be an integral and unique learning environment for future nurses, its students graduate with a sense of community, dedication, and confidence in their ability be compassionate and conscientious nurses. The class of 2018 produced a wonderful group of new LPN’s (Licensed Practical Nurses) but the stories of the Valedictorian and Salutatorian are particularly inspiring.

Both Chrislaine Mentor, Valedictorian and Tenzeeila Ali, Salutatorian had very challenging circumstances but persevered with the help of their colleagues and the staff at TCI. They both describe the atmosphere at TCI as being a major reason for them accomplishing their goals and being inspired to be the best nurses they can be.
Tenzeeila always had a desire to work in the medical field. In fact, Tenezeeila was attending Stony Brook University pursuing her dreams when tragedy struck. Tenzeeila was assaulted on campus and as a result, withdrew from life as she knew it at Stony Brook. She struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder. With little support from loved ones Tenzeeila gave up on her dreams and thought there was no way out of the black hole she felt she was in. When she thought she was at the point of no return and grasping at every and anything for strength and support, Tenzeeila decided to consult a renowned psychic in New York City. The result was bleak and did not offer her any comfort or encouragement. At that point, something clicked and Tenzeeila became sick and tired of looking for others or outside influences to give her the support she needed to be successful in life. She set aside her fears and insecurities and decided it was time to take her life back, push herself through, and continue to pursue her dreams. With a continued desire for a career in the medical field, Tenzeeila remembered that the nurses she encountered, during her time in the hospital, had provided her with the support and confidence she needed to push through her troubles. She decided that becoming a nurse would not only help her achieve her dreams but that she too could help those in a time of need.
With a need to support herself and her dreams Tenzeeila needed to have full-time employment while going to school full-time which meant she needed to consider a school that was close to her job. But, the factor that played the biggest role In Tenzeeila’s decision to choose TCI was the staff. From the time she visited the school to make her first inquiry to her last day, “integrity and sincerity” is what Tenzeeila said she felt from the school’s staff. “It is hard to find such a valuable trait in all of the school’s staff when most of these programs are really trying to recrui

t you for the money. Every individual in that school (TCI) gave their all to help each of the students succeed. They truly cared about us becoming successful nurses and were always there with an open ear whether we had issues with the curriculum or about our own personal lives”.
Tenzeeila is proud to be TCI’s 2018 Salutatorian. She could not imagine that she would actually accomplish this goal especially after what she went through. It was no easy task as she took on this journey without any emotional or financial support from loved ones. With the support of the staff and her colleagues at TCI, she learned that hard work, determination, and perseverance is a vital part of her success.

Valedictorian, Chrislaine has a different, yet inspiring story as well. After being a CNA for three years, Chrislaine wanted to take the next step in her nursing career. As a mother of three small children, with one on the way, she knew this would not be an easy task but a task that was necessary for herself and her family.
After attending another school and not passing the Certification to become an LPN, Chrislaine looked for a better alternative. When she heard about TCI, she knew it was the place for her. As other students have boasted, the staff at TCI is patient, attentive, and nurturing. The format of the curriculum at TCI is geared toward making sure the students are successful. “They make sure you absorb all of the information,” says Chrislaine. She recalls her classes with Mrs. Dunworth, “she makes sure you know that you need to follow directions. She also instills the value of being on time, for school or work” …you should always be on time. Her experience at TCI was very different from that of the school she attended previously and Chrislaine is sure that TCI’s dedication to the success of their students is what helped her achieve her dream of becoming an LPN.

Being a mother of three and pregnant, the support of her family, colleagues, and the staff at TCI was hugely important for Chrislaine. She knew she needed to finish and accomplish her goal of becoming an LPN. There were times when she was not sure that she would make it but the encouragement she received made her feel like she could not fail. For Chrislaine, TCI felt like an extension of her family. That is exactly what she needed to push through.
Nursing school is not easy and not something to be taken on without dedication and determination. Both Tenzeeila and Chrislaine had what it takes not only to successfully complete nursing school and pass the necessary tests but to be at the top of their class and achieve the honorable titles of Valedictorian and S

alutatorian. They are both very grateful and proud of their accomplishments. They have a new understanding of hard work and will be sure to apply the same work ethic that was instilled in them at TCI in their nursing careers.